The Effect of Parental Selection on First Filial Generation of Pinctada martensii Dunker 马氏珠母贝亲代选择对子一代的影响
Parental generation living in groups and cooperating together contribute to Vespa bicolor ′ s existence and reproduction. 黑盾胡蜂亲代个体群居分工合作有利于生存和种族繁衍。
Heredity and Parental Correlation of Oil Content in F_4 Generation of High-oil Soybean 大豆高脂肪组合F4代脂肪含量遗传及亲本相关性
Of or relating to a generation or the sequence of generations following the parental generation. 属于或关于在父母代以后的一代或代的顺序的。
The sex of children generation tends to be the same as the properly heavier and healthier parental generation. Influence And Cause of Parents Divorce Is Different In Psychological Development of Different Sex of Children 结果利用两个数据来源,从亲代体重和健康角度阐述与子代性别之关系。父母离异对不同性别儿童心理发展的差异影响及其成因
The study was conducted in attempt to further improve productivity in white muscovy duck. The method of synthetic index selection was applied to continuous progeny breeding for paternal and maternal lines of parental generation in white muscovy duck. 为进一步提高白番鸭的生产水平,在原有选育的基础上,本研究采用家系选择和家系内个体选择相结合法,应用综合指数选择,对亲本R、F系白番鸭进行继代选育。
Conclusion The gene mutations detected were the parental generation, rather than individual genovariation. 结论所检测基因突变为亲代遗传,而非个体基因变异;
Study on the chromosomes of TRIPLE-CROSSBRED buffaloes and their parental and filial generation 三品种杂交水牛及其亲、子代染色体的研究
Conclusion The schizophrenia patients have certain genetic relations with their parental generations in terms of personality and it is likely that such a schizophrenia type personality is the main factor for themselves and their filial generation leading to an occurrence of schizophrenia. 结论精神分裂症患者及其亲代均具有分裂样人格,提示两者在个性方面有一定的遗传联系,这种分裂样人格可能是导致精神分裂症发病的素质因素。
When the difference between their parental plants was small, the large variation of leaf-expansion period occurred in the F1 generation. 两亲差数小,F1变幅大。
Parental instruction, which aims at instructing and admonishing generation, putting family members 'behavior into regulation, coping with the family affairs, is a kind of statement and action, is also an essential expressive form for father power and clan authority. 家训,是传统宗法社会父家长垂诫训示子孙后代,用以规范家人行为、处理家庭事务的一种言行准则,是父权与族权的重要表达形式。
Because of the incremental effects of gene, F1 generation could combine excellent characters of parental pair, and because of the non-incremental effects caused by interplay of gene, F1 generation could produce dominant character of hybridism. 由于基因的加性效应,F1代可组合双亲优异性状,由于基因互作产生非加性效应,F1代产生杂种优势性状。
Results Malignant choroidal melanoma cell strain OCM-1 stably expressed GFP and preserved the characteristics of parental generation, OCM-1-gfp may develop melanoma and continue to metastasize in nude mouse. 结果稳定表达GFP的脉络膜黑色素瘤细胞OCM-1-gfp基本保持了亲代细胞的特征;能在裸鼠体内形成肿瘤并继续生长和转移;
The method of synthetic index selection was applied to continuous progeny breeding for paternal and maternal lines of parental generation in white muscovy duck. 应用综合指数选择法对白番鸭父系、母系进行继代选育。
Results The body weight and reproduction of parental generation, and the growth and development of filial generation were not different in the rats having drunk purified water for a long term and those with boiled tap water. 结果结果显示,大鼠长期饮用纯净水(与凉开水组比较)并未引起亲代体重增长、主要生殖功能以及子代出生至断乳期一般生长发育的异常改变。
Close offspring of contrast resisting goes against nature, the gene and the transgenic plant showing certain resistance are external source the breeding produces the parental generation 4 having stabilized inheritance. 对比亲子代的抗逆性,选育出4个稳定遗传了亲代外源基因并表现出一定抗性的转基因株系。
Besides, mitochondrial control region ( D-loop) sequence alignment between parental generation and hybrid generation was adopted to determine maternal origin of reciprocal hybrids based on the characteristics of maternal inheritance of mitochondria. 同时测定亲本与杂交子代的线粒体控制区序列,将测序结果的序列进行比对,通过对比序列的差异来判定杂交子代的母本来源。